Knights of God.


Praise and Worship Center

The Death and Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST is the foundation of our salvation.

Luke 10:27 ...Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.

Lord I'm Going to Love You

By: Keith Green


Lord I'm gonna to love you

Yes I'm gonna love you

How I'm gonna love you Lord

With all that's in my heart


Lord I'm gonna trust you

Yes I'm gonna trust you

How I'm gonna trust you Lord

With all that's in my soul


Lord I'm gonna thank you

Yes I'm gonna thank you

How I'm gonna thank you Lord

With every thought of mine


Lord I'm gonna praise you

Yes I'm gonna praise you

How I'm gonna praise you Lord

With all my strength and might


Lord I'm gonna follow

Yes I'm gonna follow

Lord I'm gonna follow you

With all my strength and might

With all that's in my heart

And all that's in my soul


Lord I'm gonna trust you

Lord I'm gonna love you

Lord I'm gonna follow

Follow you


I want to receive JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR.


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Last Updated:  09/13/2016 10:07